UserForm Layout

For the development of a UserForm it is necessary to properly add the controls in order to create a layout. For these controls the VBA code is inserted, allowing form functionality.

If you are not already familiar with the default ActiveX controls for UserForms, see the previous topic: Toolbox.

To add the controls to the UserForm:

  1. Use the VBE Toolbox
  2. Drag the desired control to the UserForm frame
  3. Adjust the position and size of the controls in the frame with the Select Objects function
Add Frame

After adding a control, VBE automatically activates the Select Objects function for editing.

Properties Window

Another type of editing that can be done that also impacts the layout is through the Properties Window. This window allows you to change attributes of the UserForm and its controls.

Label Properties

If the Properties window is not showing in your VBE, go to: View $\rightarrow$ Properties Window or press F4.

The displayed properties will always be the last object selected with Select Objects. If you want to change a property of a specific object (E.g. as Frame1) simply select it with the Select Objects control .

The most commonly changed properties are: (Name) and Caption .

It is not recommended for beginner users to change the (Name), however it is important to know that it can be changed.

Property Description Example
(Name) Sets the name used in the code to identify the object Frame1
Caption Sets the text contained in the caption Employee Registration

If you want to make a slightly more elaborate design it may be interesting to change the properties of the Font and the Background Color (BackColor).

Userform Example

In this example we changed the property of Userform Backcolor of the object named Frame1 (whose Caption is "Personal Data").

Layout Example

To create a good UserForm it is often necessary to add multiple controls and change their Captions. The following is an example:

Layout in edit mode

UserForm Edition
Controls Captions
Frames () $\rightarrow$ 2 Personal Data; Professional Data
Labels () $\rightarrow$ 6 Name; Age; Gender; Department; Desired Unit; Optional
TextBoxs () $\rightarrow$ 2 No caption (It is located next to the Labels "Name" and "Age")
SpinButton () $\rightarrow$ 1 No caption (It is located next to the Label "Age")
OptionButtons () $\rightarrow$ 3 Male; Female; Other
ComboBox () $\rightarrow$ 1 No caption (It is located next to the Label "Department")
ListBox () $\rightarrow$ 1 No caption (It is located next to the Label "Desired Unit")
CheckBoxs () $\rightarrow$ 2 Transportation Vouchers; Health Insurance
CommandButtons () $\rightarrow$ 3 Register; Clear; Cancel

Layout in view mode

To access view mode just press F5 or .

UserForm Show

Although the layout is ready, you still need to configure the code so that the form has functionalities. is learning website. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. All Rights Reserved.

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