Solved Exercise
Exercise Solution
Create two Subs: one for sorting and one for testing the solution.
Sub Solution()
End Sub
Sub SortArray()
In the test Sub, let's create a String vector with values.
Sub Solution()
Dim Names(2 To 11) As String
Names(2) = "James"
Names(3) = "Denise"
Names(4) = "John"
Names(5) = "Alexa"
Names(6) = "Sandra"
Names(7) = "Mark"
Names(8) = "Daniel"
Names(9) = "Laura"
Names(10) = "Steven"
Names(11) = "Lucy"
End Sub
Now we adjust the Sub of the solution to receive a vector as an input to order it.
Sub SortArray(vector)
Dim TempValue As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim FirstIndex As Long
Dim LastIndex As Long
'Identify vector range
FirstIndex = LBound(vector)
LastIndex = UBound(vector)
For i = FirstIndex To LastIndex - 1
For j = i + 1 To LastIndex
If vector(i) > vector(j) Then
'Change order when vector(i)> vector(j)
TempValue = vector(i)
vector(i) = vector(j)
vector(j) = TempValue
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
For each loop made with counter j we will have defined another value from the beginning of the vector, being the first iteration defining the first element of the vector, the second referring to the second and so on.
This algorithm is known as BubbleSort
We apply the solution in our test Sub showing the results in a MsgBox sequence
Sub Solution()
Dim i as Integer
Dim Names(2 To 11) As String
Names(2) = "James"
Names(3) = "Denise"
Names(4) = "John"
Names(5) = "Alexa"
Names(6) = "Sandra"
Names(7) = "Mark"
Names(8) = "Daniel"
Names(9) = "Laura"
Names(10) = "Steven"
Names(11) = "Lucy"
SortArray Names
For i = 2 To 11
MsgBox (Names(i))
Next i
End Sub
Consolidated Answer
Sub Solution()
Dim i as Integer
Dim Names(2 To 11) As String
Names(2) = "James"
Names(3) = "Denise"
Names(4) = "John"
Names(5) = "Alexa"
Names(6) = "Sandra"
Names(7) = "Mark"
Names(8) = "Daniel"
Names(9) = "Laura"
Names(10) = "Steven"
Names(11) = "Lucy"
SortArray Names
For i = 2 To 11
MsgBox (Names(i))
Next i
End Sub
Sub SortArray(vector)
Dim TempValue As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim FirstIndex As Long
Dim LastIndex As Long
FirstIndex = LBound(vector)
LastIndex = UBound(vector)
For i = FirstIndex To LastIndex - 1
For j = i + 1 To LastIndex
If vector(i) > vector(j) Then
TempValue = vector(i)
vector(i) = vector(j)
vector(j) = TempValue
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub is learning website. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. All Rights Reserved.
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