Solved Exercise
Exercise Solution
First we define the argument of the function and its output
Function NoTeS(X As Integer) As Variant
Create the variables, on for each bank note and one to be the remainder
Dim N100 As Integer
Dim N50 As Integer
Dim N20 As Integer
Dim N10 As Integer
Dim N5 As Integer
Dim N2 As Integer
Dim N1 As Integer
Dim Rest As Double
Remain = X
We calculate the integer part of the division of the input for each possible note value, starting with the largest (100), and gradually taking its remainder to the lowest (since we are trying to minimize the number of notes)
N100 = Int(Remain / 100)
Remain = Remain - (N100 * 100)
N50 = Int(Remain / 50)
Remain = Remain - (N50 * 50)
N20 = Int(Remain / 20)
Remain = Remain - (N20 * 20)
N10 = Int(Remain / 10)
Remain = Remain - (N10 * 10)
N5 = Int(Remain / 5)
Remain = Remain - (N5 * 5)
N2 = Int(Remain / 2)
Remain = Remain - (N2 * 2)
N1 = Remain
To leave the answer clearer we chose to show it as a vector, where each element is equivalent to a quantity of a given bank note
NoTeS = Array(N100, N50, N20, N10, N5, N2, N1)
'NoTeS = N100 & "(100)" & N50 & "(50)" & N20 & "(20)" & N10 & "(10)" & N5 & "(5)" & N2 & "(2)" & N1 & "(1)"
'If the answer were given in a single line
Consolidated Answer
Function NoTeS(X As Integer) As Variant
Dim N100 As Integer
Dim N50 As Integer
Dim N20 As Integer
Dim N10 As Integer
Dim N5 As Integer
Dim N2 As Integer
Dim N1 As Integer
Dim Remain As Double
Remain = X
N100 = Int(Remain / 100)
Remain = Remain - (N100 * 100)
N50 = Int(Remain / 50)
Remain = Remain - (N50 * 50)
N20 = Int(Remain / 20)
Remain = Remain - (N20 * 20)
N10 = Int(Remain / 10)
Remain = Remain - (N10 * 10)
N5 = Int(Remain / 5)
Remain = Remain - (N5 * 5)
N2 = Int(Remain / 2)
Remain = Remain - (N2 * 2)
N1 = Remain
NoTeS = Array(N100, N50, N20, N10, N5, N2, N1)
'NoTeS = N100 & "(100)" & N50 & "(50)" & N20 & "(20)" & N10 & "(10)" & N5 & "(5)" & N2 & "(2)" & N1 & "(1)"
'If the answer were given in a single line
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