Send an email, containing a table in the "HTML" format, with updated health insurance quotes. The algorithm should work regardless of the version of Outlook used.
Solved Exercise
Exercise Solution
Step 1 - We start by creating a Function to import the table from the worksheet in HTML format.
We define the output data type of the function
Function TableHTML()as String
We declare the variables
Dim LastColumn As Range
Dim LastLine As Range
Dim i As Range
Dim j As Range
Dim TabHtml As String
The TabHtml variable will be a "String" with the table contents in HTML language. We will add the data to this variable as the function is executed, starting with the opening tag of the HTML table
TabHtml = "<table>"
We establish the range for the first column of the table
Set LastLine = Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))
We create a For Each loop that will run through every cell within the range
For Each i In LastLine
We create a conditional If to add a style if it's the first cell of the table.
If i = Range("A2") Then
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<tr style=""color:green;font-size:16px;"">"
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<tr>"
End If
We define the line interval based on the counter position of the previous loop
Set LastColumn = Range(i, i.End(xlToRight))
We create a second loop inside the first one that will add the values of all the columns of a given row to the variable TabHtml
For Each j In LastColumn
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<td>" & j.Value & "</td>"
Next j
We closed the line tag in HTML and started the next
TabHtml = TabHtml & "</tr>"
Next i
Once the loops are complete, we close the table and assign the result of the function to the HTML table (return TableHTML)
TabHtml = TabHtml & "</table>"
TaBeLaHTML = TabHtml
Step 2 - Now that we have the table formatted and ready to be used in an email, we will create a subroutine for sending.
We declare the variables
Dim OlOut As Object
Dim OlMail As Object
Dim Result As String
We defined the variable OlOut as OutLook and OlMail as the creation of an email in Outlook
Set OlOut = CreateObject("OutLook.Application")
Set OlMail = OlOut.CreateItem(0)
We define the type of email, body text, title, the recipient and we send (note that for the email body we call the function we created previously).
With OlMail
.Bodyformat = 2
.HTMLbody = "<p>Greetings,</p>" & "The table below is updated with the health insurance quotes by age group.<br><br>" & TaBeLaHTML & .HTMLbody
.Subject = "Email HTML"
'.To = ""
'.Attachments.add "D:\Documents\Quotes.xlsm"
End With
Be careful:It is very common to send an email containing errors. Check your code very carefully before adding ".Send"
Consolidated answer
Sub Solution()
Dim OlOut As Object
Dim OlMail As Object
Dim Result As String
Set OlOut = CreateObject("OutLook.Application")
Set OlMail = OlOut.CreateItem(0)
With OlMail
.Bodyformat = 2
.HTMLbody = "<p>Greetings,</p>" & "The table below is updated with the health insurance quotes by age group.<br><br>" & TaBeLaHTML & .HTMLbody
.Subject = "Email HTML"
'.To = ""
'.Attachments.add "D:\Documents\Cotacao.xlsm"
End With
End Sub
Function TableHTML()
Dim LastColumn As Range
Dim LastLine As Range
Dim i As Range
Dim j As Range
Dim TabHtml As String
TabHtml = "<table>"
Set LastLine = Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))
For Each i In LastLine
If i = Range("A2") Then
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<tr style=""color:green;font-size:16px;"">"
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<tr>"
End If
Set LastColumn = Range(i, i.End(xlToRight))
For Each j In LastColumn
TabHtml = TabHtml & "<td>" & j.Value & "</td>"
Next j
TabHtml = TabHtml & "</tr>"
Next i
TabHtml = TabHtml & "</table>"
TableHTML = TabHtml
End Function is learning website. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. All Rights Reserved.
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